Introducing the Greatest Advancement in Reproductive Healthcare in a Decade
The Group Fertility Breakthrough Program™
We hear it all the time from our patients…
“I know other people go through my same, or similar, fertility struggles but I just feel so alone with mine”…
“My friends and family support me and try to help, but they just can’t understand what I’m going through”…
“It’s so hard to keep trying again, going it alone over and over, trying to find the strength to not give up on my dream”…
“Seeking personalized help interests me but feels out of reach because it’s expensive and I don’t know if it will work”…
From our experience we can tell you, these feelings are
Experiencing reproductive challenges IS isolating, and breaking through that loneliness is one of the hardest parts of overcoming.
That loneliness and isolation tries to convince you that all of your doubts are true. It makes you believe the worst about yourself, your situation, and your lack of a chance to turn everything around.
But you know deep down that the doubt is just stealing your time. You know you need help – specialized guidance and support to move you out of being stuck. To stop the hamster wheel of questions…

You’re at a crossroads, and you haven’t lost all hope,
but the flame is flickering and getting low.
Enter a Revolutionary Idea
Access to quality, effective reproductive care is a right, not a privilege.
That’s right. We know that cost, flexibility, and quality of experience are barriers to seeking reproductive care.
And those barriers just give your doubts more power.
So what if we removed all of those barriers?
What If…
There was a new way to be part of a connected community sharing similar struggles, hopes and dreams, while also finding the unique solutions you need?
It was a safe and confidential environment where you can learn from others’ stories and experiences and share in the helpful information and knowledge?
At the same time, you’re getting quality, effective, evidence-based, and personalized fertility treatment?
All with greater affordability than you’ve ever seen before?
Then it’s time you learned more about the greatest advancement in reproductive healthcare in a decade
The Group Fertility Breakthrough Program™
A little background…
Clinical director and founder of The Fertility Breakthrough Program™, Gabriela Rosa, first came across the concept of group medical appointments many years ago. Their efficacy and successful outcomes are thoroughly researched and well documented, but there was no good model for offering them in a reproductive care context.
That was the challenge Gabriela eagerly accepted.
Create a program that combines:
1. All of the treatment personalization for which The Fertility Breakthrough Program™ is known and success is evident in the 78.8% live birth rate – unmatched in the world of fertility treatments –
And2. The added benefit of convenience, community, effective treatment, and greater affordability that group medical appointments offer through a supportive group and clinician-led environment.

Right now, you can have an end to waiting and guessing, an end to loneliness and isolation, and the best chance you’ve ever had to take home the baby you’ve dreamed of
for the price of
$6000 AUD
to get started, and a monthly $495 AUD for as long as you wish to stay on the program

What You Get in The Group Fertility Breakthrough Program™

Thanks to generous external funding, for the cost of only
$6000 AUD
Your team of experts for
The Group Fertility Breakthrough Program™
Are all university trained, highly experienced, naturopathic practitioners.
The team works collaboratively, passionately, and tirelessly
towards the goal of helping you to achieve your dream of creating a family.
The Team is Led by The Rosa Institute Founder,
Clinical Director, and Harvard-Awarded Scholar
Gabriela Rosa

Founder and Director of The Rosa Institute and Harvard University-awarded scholar.
Gabriela Rosa is the founder and director of The Rosa Institute, an organization dedicated to improving clinical results and advancing scientific knowledge in reproductive medicine to help couples create healthy babies, despite previous challenges. Gabriela and her team of clinicians have treated and educated over 142,000 couples and individuals in more than 111 countries through various programs since 2001, such as her flagship Fertility Breakthrough Program™ known for its validated 78.8% live birth rate, its alternative Group Fertility Breakthrough Program™ (the flagship program delivered in shared consultations), and the free, self-paced, and interactive Fertility Accelerator Program™ helping couples fast-track their journey to parenthood. She has translated over two decades of knowledge and experience into four books on natural fertility solutions, including two bestsellers. You can find Gabriela's latest book, Fertility Breakthrough: Overcoming infertility and recurrent miscarriage when other treatments have failed, at quality booksellers. Furthermore, she is also the host of the TalkSex with Gabriela Rosa™ podcast, where reproductive health, science, education, self-discovery, love, and lust meet. She and guest experts explore a holistic conversation around desire, pleasure, and satisfaction, aiming to help create a new path of self-discovery for those on and off the fertility journey. In addition to her work in reproductive treatment, Gabriela is also launching the Wellbeing Within™, a men’s and women’s health program expanding the support The Rosa Institute offers patients beyond fertility treatments. It is designed to help individuals optimize their health at every stage of life, from puberty to meno- / andro-pause and beyond, through a holistic and integrative approach. Like her signature fertility programs, it is underpinned by her unique F.E.R.T.I.L.E. Method®, which stands for Fact-find, Educate, Recommend, Treat, Incubate, Liberate, and End Result. Gabriela has completed clinical research programs, including her Master’s in Public Health (Clinical Effectiveness) degree at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health. In addition, she was awarded The Scholar Award for academic excellence. Currently undertaking the Doctor of Public Health program at Harvard, Gabriela already holds a Master of Science in Medicine (Reproductive Health and Human Genetics) and a Bachelor of Health Science and is trained in numerous health disciplines, including naturopathy, nutrition, and botanical herbal medicine. For updates on Gabriela's latest initiatives, visit
Frequently Asked Questions
You can read more specifically about how either version of The Fertility Breakthrough Program™ is different from every other possible form of fertility treatment available in the frequently asked questions document of the ‘one-to-one’ program found here.
However, in comparing the group versus the ‘one-to-one’ versions of The Fertility Breakthrough Program™, the only difference is the number of participants you may encounter in each session.
No matter which option you choose, based on your individual preference, you will experience the same focus on the excellence of care you will enjoy in any program at The Rosa Institute.
We have had to develop excellence in treating various health conditions within different bodily systems and functions to ensure clinical effectiveness because optimal reproductive function is driven by (systemic and) general health.
Some of the major areas we must effectively treat range and are not limited to endocrine, metabolic, sexual, gynecological (female factors), and urogenital (male factors).
The concept of shared medical appointments is not new and is a standard mode of treatment delivery in prestigious clinics worldwide.
Furthermore, there exists extensive scientific research and medical publications on the topic. The scientific literature underscores the multiple benefits of patients receiving healthcare in this way, including a greater sense of support and community to a better overall quality of care.
All patients in our programs sign terms of participation, confidentiality, privacy, and consent agreement and abide by the program’s terms and conditions to be eligible for care at The Rosa Institute, thus ensuring a safe space for all participants.
In addition to the points made in ‘How do shared consultations address everyone’s needs?’, there is a clinical structure in place within each appointment with multiple practitioners of various modalities, a nurse, and a scribe present in each session to ensure all patients’ needs are met before, during, and after shared consultations.
Given our considerable experience running group programs and educational events since 2001 and educating over 140,000 people in more than 110 countries, we believe shared consultations are suitable for everyone.
Although ultimately only you can decide what works for you, you have everything to gain in trying. If you do not like it, you can always upgrade to one-on-one treatment in The Fertility Breakthrough Program™.
The Group Fertility Breakthrough Program™ is not merely education, although some include foundational learning to enhance effective treatment implementation.
This program specifically addresses general and reproductive health concerns to help individuals and couples overcome (or prevent) reproductive difficulties such as infertility, miscarriage, and previously failed treatments – so they can finally hold their babies.
Education alone is not treatment, and treatment without education is ineffectual, stripping patients of a hugely important component of effective treatment, which consists of personal agency and a deep belief in one’s ability to influence their life events and circumstances.
Therefore, our overarching purpose is to combine both effectively.
You can attend unlimited consultations as part of your care at The Rosa Institute. Our team will schedule a minimum recommended sequence for you. You will also be given recommendations throughout treatment for additions.
However, for best treatment results, we prefer that our patients adhere to at least the minimum sequence recommended, which ranges from at least one session per week at the outset for a few months and, as treatment is completely underway, at the last two sessions per month.
You can also schedule extra sessions as you desire and need as you stay on the program from beginning to baby and beyond.
All consultations are conducted via telehealth, and you can attend from the convenience of your chosen location.
Following each session, the attending clinician will complete treatment and recommendation notes, and your program concierge will forward them within 1-3 working days after the session.
Our patients reclaim their fertility and ability to co-create life by healing their body’s biochemistry for optimum physical and mental well-being with our highly effective and therapeutic program.
Our approach combines, and personal recommendations will encompass:
- Functional and pathology biomarker analyses and diagnosis followed by focused treatment recommendations, backed by evidence-based science, to determine the best and most appropriate integrative and medical approach to our findings;
- Genetic analysis and customization of nutritional, dietary, and biochemical adjustment recommendations for optimal reproductive health leveraging and leading in the cutting edge of omics science;
- Biochemical modulation with the use (primarily) of herbal and nutritional supplementation, and in some instances where required, also drug therapy;
- Stress management strategies that are practical and effective and go far beyond the usual “just relax” advice most couples receive;
- Exposures analysis to identify and address reproductive toxicants and hazards;
- Personalized exercise physiology and recommendations designed to achieve therapeutic goals;
- Emotional and trauma therapy support where necessary.
The reason treatments fail is not because of how they are delivered but because they neglect arriving at clarity and core understanding of the root causes of the presenting problem through effective diagnostics and treatment of critical findings.
You only need to visit our baby gallery on Instagram to read for yourself about some of the very complex cases we have helped couples overcome to finally take home healthy babies.
We achieve our results by ensuring proper individualized strategy in addressing each patient’s case–underpinned by adequate diagnosis and effective treatment, a hallmark of our fertility programs at The Rosa Institute.
Beyond the information in this document, The Fertility Breakthrough Program™ frequently asked questions provide further insight into our treatment methodology and can be found here.
We have secured initial funding to ensure this program is highly accessible and affordable to couples globally, making the fee reflective of this desire. However, at this stage, we can only guarantee to maintain the program investment as low as it is until mid-2023, after which the program fee will increase.
Currently, The Group Fertility Breakthrough Program™ fee is 6000 AUD as an upfront fee and then 495 AUD monthly thereafter for as long as you wish to stay on the program or until you reach 14 weeks gestation because we will continue to monitor and support our patients to reduce miscarriage risk.
Only for those who stay on the program until 14 weeks gestation and who wish to continue having treatment and support throughout their pregnancy and family support beyond, the monthly fee is reduced to 179 AUD thereafter until the participant chooses to cancel.

Your time is now to experience

Don’t let doubt and fear win, stealing more time away from living the life of your dreams, sooner.
Group Fertility Breakthrough Program™.
You’re ready now.
All the ANSWERS you’ve always wanted.
The proper TREATMENT for your individual situation.
A caring COMMUNITY with the same goals and drive.