From Beginning to Baby, and Beyond
Because We Leave No Stone Unturned
How the Fertility Breakthrough Program™ Works
We are ambitious in our goals, resulting in a world-class service and a transformation that enables our patients to overcome infertility and miscarriage, even when other treatments have failed — with an overall 78.8% live birth rate.
Over the course of our more than 20 years in clinical practice, we’ve fine-tuned an approach and methodology that ensures everyone is prepared for the work and breakthroughs ahead of them, and a process based on your unique situation and mutual suitability from the very beginning.

Frequently Asked Questions
We began working with couples around the world in 2003. However, our practice has been solely delivering our services via telemedicine consultations since 2013. In fact, we pioneered the global fertility clinic model and are proud to still be the leader in the field. Although our head office is in Sydney, Australia, you will attend all your consultations from the comfort of your chosen location and at a time convenient to you.
We treat patients from all over the world with the vast majority residing in the USA, UK, Australia, and Asia. However, we currently treat patients from every continent, (at this stage excluding Antarctica, but there’s still plenty of time for that expansion, yet).
Our practitioners work from Sydney, Australia, which means we are “in the future” (relative to USA, UK, and many other countries around the world, except New Zealand) in Eastern Standard Time (EST), which is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) + 10 hours. Patients love the fact that as a result of our time zone, we can often provide consultations at times outside of their work schedule.
We run consultations from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sydney time, although individual practitioner times and availability do change and we are working to further expand our availability in the future
We always work in partnership with medical doctors and specialists to ensure all new treatment requirements and necessary investigations are completed according to our comprehensive protocol.
Upon beginning treatment in our clinic, we will assume responsibility for your personalised treatment recommendations, specifically any herbal or nutritional supplementation you will be taking should be prescribed by our team only because we want to have total clarity and control over expected results, per our F.E.R.T.I.L.E. Method®, and likely treatment outcome expectations.
We will most likely require up-to-date investigations and additional investigations, which we will liaise (typically through you) with local laboratories, doctors, or specialists to arrange. This is all we need in order to achieve our treatment outcomes for you.
Gabriela’s clinical, scientific, and academic training background and formal university qualifications in reproductive medicine and human genetics as well as naturopathic medicine, inspired her to create this program that blends the best of both worlds for helping couples take home healthy babies, even when other treatments had previously failed.
This program is based on Gabriela’s comprehensive seven-step F.E.R.T.I.L.E. Method®. Our patients reclaim their fertility and ability to co-create life by attending to the root cause of imbalances, and healing the body, mind, and biochemistry with our highly effective natural, integrative, and evidence-based, therapeutic program.
We like to work with people who are ready to do what it takes — now. There are 3 important elements our team looks for in the couples we choose to work with in the program:
- Our methodology leaves no stone unturned, and our clinic specialises in complex cases, as is appropriate for couples who have been trying to conceive for over two years, or have had previous miscarriages, or who have three or more minor factors getting in their way — and who generally have tried lots of different things, none of which worked so far.
- Couples who are not only willing to make a commitment of time, energy, effort, and money, but most importantly are willing to follow through a proven process we know achieves reliably reproducible results for our patients. We are here to provide extra support, education, and essentially anything you need in order to understand why our evidence-based recommendations may be required in your case — but at some point, you need to be coachable and willing to do what it takes – as a couple because fertility is a team sport.
- Couples who, despite the hardships and challenges of the fertility journey, are willing to approach this treatment as a new beginning, with a positive, and curious, open mind in order to create the next chapter on their journey to parenthood and baby..
Yes, we do. And our patients in this situation tell us all the time we are their best support team.
Yes, we do. It is important to note that even though it may only be one of you who will be carrying the child in the first instance or providing the gamete we expect full participation in the program for each partner, just the same as we are working to create healthy family foundations for our families irrespective of sexual orientation.
We use very precise, high quality, safe, pharmaceutical-grade, practitioner-only prescribed medicines. We are constantly refreshing our range of treatment items according to the latest research and the best of what is available in the market, therefore what we use changes from time to time.
We will always arrange shipments for you of everything you need in order to have the best possible treatment results based on the individualized recommendations we make for your treatment. We ship treatment items from our head office in Sydney, Australia and cover local and international shipment fees for monthly orders.
For the outcomes we deliver our fees are in comparison a fraction that of the alternative standard therapies. Despite the challenges we help our patients overcome to create their healthy babies, treatment affordability can be an obstacle for some couples who would otherwise greatly benefit from our clinic’s signature program. To alleviate some of that, we’re pleased to offer flexible financing options and a complete breakdown of expected costs after assessing your unique case.
Although we will provide immense guidance, you may require focusing 1–2 hours per week (as a couple) at the beginning of the process to master certain aspects of your implementation, especially concerning addressing immediate aspects of your personal environment.
Throughout the program, it is more an element of personal preference as to when and how often you take advantage of all our community events. However, the majority of our patients are busy professionals in all fields of endeavors from medicine to construction, business owners and everything in between. We manage to help our patients with prioritizing implementation as is required for them throughout our working together. Nothing we ask our patients to do is superhuman and a lot of the personal adjustments needed for our patients to achieve their results do not require “extra time”, simply a fresh, new approach.
What we typically see is that our patients take home babies from 16–36 months of beginning their treatment with us (keeping in mind there is a nine-month pregnancy in the picture and a minimum of 120 days preconception preparation for best results). For some couples, treatment may take longer depending on medical history and complexity, though not necessarily length of ‘infertility’ or a history of recurrent miscarriage.
With our treatment, we typically see couples’ fertility improving over time irrespective of age and even a shorter time to pregnancy with subsequent pregnancies because major obstacles are effectively addressed prior to the first pregnancy. These reasons also highlight why we are much less fixated on ‘age’ when discussing a couple’s fertility situation.
We also recognize that a baby is only one of the wonderful results our patients tell us they are able to accomplish through treatment with our team. Other benefits include (and are not limited to) increased peace of mind, drastically improved health, and a better relationship (with themselves and with their partner), to name but a few.
If you have never been a patient of our practice and have never had our specialist team work on your specific fertility situation in our trademark registered 3-stage process based on Gabriela Rosa’s proven F.E.R.T.I.L.E. Method®, we can assure you have not done it all, even if you have done many different things, including many of the components of what we teach and help our patients implement.
Simply reading a book, implementing ‘DIY’ strategies, or even embarking on high level, expensive technology (such as IVF/ICSI) without addressing appropriate obstacles to optimum biochemistry, health and fertility often end up being insufficient to help couples overcome considerable, multifactorial and complex reproductive difficulties. Only a fully comprehensive and holistic approach to treatment that takes both partners into consideration can help couples transform their results, when other treatments have failed. Hence why the integrative medicine approach we apply to our patients’ situation is so important and considerably more effective at delivering healthy, live, babies.
And as Gabriela points out throughout her free educational, online event — the Fertility Challenge™, the self-care pieces that you can extend to other areas and that you can extrapolate from the free education we provide is only the tip of the tip of the tip of the tip of the iceberg. Unless you have a specifically-trained, F.E.R.T.I.L.E. Method ® clinician team working with you to uncover and address the very important biochemical chain reaction that is fertility — you are leaving a lot to chance on your fertility journey. Properly applying the entire F.E.R.T.I.L.E. Method® through treatment on The Fertility Breakthrough Program™ is the best way we have found to ensure you are leaving no stone unturned and are closer rather than farther away from your outcome when all else is said and done.
The idea that miscarriage and implantation failure are just bad luck is, at a minimum, untrue. And if you have been trying to conceive for over 2 years without success, this most likely applies to you also, even if you have not categorically seen a positive pregnancy test yet.
Most medical systems around the world do not view it as necessary to investigate miscarriages before a couple has experienced a minimum of three pregnancy losses. However, we know firsthand how emotionally devastating even just one miscarriage can be. Consequently, our approach is not to wait and “hope” for the best. It is in line with everything else we do. We take a proactive approach toward our patients’ fertility treatment, especially as it relates to miscarriage prevention and implantation failure. We screen for issues we can easily preempt because there are some common causes, which pose an increased risk to a healthy pregnancy, that we would rather circumvent and avoid all together, which is only possible once we have taken the time to understand what they are in each couple’s specific situation.
The answer to that question depends mostly on two things: how you think, and what you are prepared to do to create your dream. The ‘oldest’ woman we have ever assisted to have a baby was 58 and her husband 62 — she chose to use a donor egg and in their minds, they were not too old. Of course, this is not everyone’s idea of the ideal way or the best time for having a baby, but for this lively and aspiring couple — it was perfect.
For many women over 40, having a baby with their own eggs is still very possible. In our clinic, 46 (almost 47) is the highest maternal age at which we have successfully helped a woman have a healthy baby with her own eggs. This is unusual, but in some cases not impossible for people who, with our help, take it upon themselves to create the most favourable conditions to make this happen.
Similarly, the longest-standing case of infertility we have treated was 19 years. This couple did everything we asked of them and at 44 years of age, conceived naturally with her own egg and bore a healthy child, despite many previous failed attempts — including multiple IVF failures.
Ultimately, we are completely impartial about how our patients create their dream. Many make it happen naturally, others via IVF, some need a donor egg or donor sperm, or even a donor embryo; a handful needed to choose a surrogate. Our aim is to ensure we create the most favourable conditions for you and your partner to ensure you have the very best possible chance of creating the healthy baby of your dreams.
Our mission is to guide you each step of the way towards what is most likely to work for you — given your circumstances and aspirations.
Ideally, yes. But in reality, this will vary for every couple and individual patient. In our program, both partners are required to immerse themselves fully in implementing the specific health recommendations we customize for each individual, taking into consideration each person’s needs and schedules.
However, the need to ensure both partners contribute equally to the outcome of overcoming infertility and/or miscarriage to create a healthy baby is paramount. Most patients throughout their fertility journey are often simply advised to “keep trying.” Typically, without any further recommendation regarding what else they can do to improve their chances of success.
Taking charge of your results and everything you can influence along your path—whilst doing everything you can (together) in order to optimize your health, fertility and chances of taking home a healthy baby, is categorically a better fertility strategy (for all involved) in the long run. It’s why we say ‘fertility is a team sport’ and we’re here to support each of you every step of the way.