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On the fertility journey, it’s essential to hold on to hope.

But hope that is founded on pragmatic, realistic, reproducible scientific principles, not blind faith.

There is a major difference between these two concepts.

Blind faith does not lead you to appraise your situation for course correction and improvement critically.

Blind faith expects you simply trust without asking deeper, probing, and qualifying questions to enable you to optimize the process and ultimately results.

Blind faith keeps you in the dark about what else you can do to take charge of your situation and transform your outcomes.

Hence, I am a steadfast advocate of realistic hope grounded on scientific findings.

Yes, I believe in realistic hope and faith; what if simply the fact you are receiving this message was an answered prayer? However, not acting on the information gets you the same as you already have.

The bottom line is that you can fine-tune what you are doing to create the healthy baby of your dreams. Still, first, you must understand why it’s not working because it is only in getting this sort of clarity that your clinical team can then devise a treatment plan that makes a difference for you.

Continuing on the “everything is fine, just keep trying” will guarantee many couples (unnecessarily) run out of time to have a baby, and I don’t want that to be you. I’ve decided to make available The Fertility Breakthrough Diagnostic ™ for that very reason–so couples can finally get the answers they need on their journey before it’s too late.

If you’d like to have a conversation about your fertility situation and understand if this step would be a viable option for you, schedule a 10-minute complimentary consultation with me here.

I will be delighted to have a conversation and help you find the best path for you on or off this program.

With love, 

Gabriela Rosa
Founder, Clinical Researcher & Fertility Specialist
Harvard University Awarded Scholar

AUS 1300 858 490
INT +61 2 8074 3939
USA +1 (646) 461-4061
UK +44 20 3871 8494


About Gabriela Rosa | MPH (CLE), MScM (RHHG), BHSc (ND)
Founder, Clinical Researcher, Fertility Specialist & Harvard University Awarded Scholar

Gabriela Rosa is a world-renowned fertility specialist, and the founder and clinical director of the Rosa Institute—an organisation dedicated to helping couples create healthy babies, despite previous reproductive challenges.

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