Question: How much alcohol is okay to consume when trying to conceive?

Many people ask me how much alcohol is okay to consume when trying to conceive. The reality is that there is no safe level.

Neither partner should drink alcohol at least 120 days before a conception attempt and when trying to conceive.

The reason is that while we accept alcohol has a teratogenic effect on a developing embryo, many people remain unaware that it also has a very damaging impact on the development of the egg and the sperm. The potential effect of alcohol on the body is the same as, say, rat poison. 

The effects of alcohol and toxins like smoking, drugs, and the chemicals in our environment cause many sperm abnormalities and egg quality issues. You can learn more about these here.

This is why the best thing to do is to quit alcohol altogether during preconception preparation and when trying to conceive (especially if you have been trying to conceive for over six months or have experienced recurrent miscarriages).

We use this strategy because it has been shown to make a difference in our patients’ outcomes. Watch the video above to learn more.


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